This page shows some detail information of our project.We have already started our research, and we bulid and train the Picar-B by using applications and coding. Meanwhile, we record the whole process, check and solve the challenge we met, and then write the weekly report shown in following:
Our purpose is to understand how the multimedia system can use in our real world and use technology in our daily life special in vehicles. Firstly, we need to do some basic research on which multimedia system is using on the Picar, and to understand how the system is used for the robot car.
Read moreWe bought the Picar from Amazon, and before we install the software and build the system we must assemble the Picar completely and test it to make sure everything is assembled correctly.
Read moreThis week we need to install that support application and python library on both computers. For example, we need to install OpenCV and Numpy library to let the Picar allow us to write a function that makes the camera track the object and detecting the real-world environment.
Read moreThis week we test out the ultrasonic sensor and use it to control the Picar keep in a good distance between the object and itself.
Read moreThis week we try to use the camera and OpenCV to track the object and control the Picar to follow the object.
Read moreThis video shows demonstration of PiCar. We introduced the background information and code details in this video and we hope you can enjoy this video! To watch it, please click "Click me" button.
Click meThis code is provided by Adeept Company. And it supports mainframe programming of Python code and a precise GUI program.
Check itThis code is created and modified by our team. And this code is to use LED light to simulate Morsa code.
Check itThis final report shows whole prcess of our research, and all findings after exploring PiCar. We also hope that the comparison and analysis of different obstacle detection methods can help us to get a deep understanding of obstacle avoidance techniques for the autonomous driving model.
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